Advocacy Groups

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Addiction Advocacy

Child & Family Advocacy

Disabled Persons Advocacy

  • Life Works
    906 New York Street
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 577-9093

Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Advocacy

Emergency Services Advocacy

  • Cowlitz County Chaplaincy
    208 Fishers Lane
    PO Box 2578
    Kelso, WA 98626
    Office: (360) 425-7222
    Emergency: (360) 577-3092
  • Lewis County Shelter Program
    OFFICE: 360-736-5140
    FAX: 360-736-7169
    Physical Address:
    621 South Diamond St.
    Centralia, WA 98531
    Mailing Address:
    Lewis County Shelter Program
    P.O. Box 131
    Chehalis, WA 98532

Greif Support Advocacy

  • Community Home Health & Hospice
    1035 11th Avenue
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 425-8510
    1-800-378-851014508 NE 20th Ave. Ste. 201
    Vancouver, WA 98686
    (360) 253-4626

Homeless Persons Advocacy

Housing Advocacy

  • Catholic Community Service of Western Washington
    676 26th Ave.
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 577-2200
  • Lewis County Shelter Program
    OFFICE: 360-736-5140
    FAX: 360-736-7169
    Physical Address:
    621 South Diamond St.
    Centralia, WA 98531
    Mailing Address:
    Lewis County Shelter Program
    P.O. Box 131
    Chehalis, WA 98532
  • Lifelong AIDS Alliance
    Mailing Address: 1002 E. Seneca, Seattle WA, 98122
    Admin Offices: 1161 11th Ave. Seattle, WA 98122
  • Life Works
    906 New York Street
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 577-9093
  • Lower Columbia Mental Health
    921 14th Ave
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 423-0203
    ER #: (360) 425-6064
    Toll Free 24-Hour Crisis Line: (800) 803-8833
    Hearing Impaired 24-Hour Crisis Line: (800) 610-6868
    Free Counseling Clinic: (360) 353-9445 or (360) 562-1133
  • The Salvation Army
    1639 10th Avenue
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 423-3990

Medical Advocacy (Restorative, Palliative, Other)

  • Community Home Health & Hospice
    1035 11th Avenue
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 425-8510
    1-800-378-851014508 NE 20th Ave. Ste. 201
    Vancouver, WA 98686
    (360) 253-4626
  • Cowlitz County Ombuds 
    (360) 414-0237
    TTY/TDD para los servicios interpretativos: 1-800-833-6384
    Mailing Address:
    Mental Health Ombuds
    c/o Southwest Regional Support Network
    1952 9th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632
  • Lifelong AIDS Alliance
    Mailing Address: 1002 E. Seneca, Seattle WA, 98122
    Admin Offices: 1161 11th Ave. Seattle, WA 98122
  • Life Works
    906 New York Street
    Longview, WA 98632
    (360) 577-9093

Mental/Emotional Health Advocacy

Multi-Cultural Advocacy

Veterans Advocacy

Disclaimer: Living Ministries is not affiliated with these organizations. Our goal is help you find the resources you are looking for. Living Ministries does not keep track of the resource levels of the organizations listed here. Please be kind to the people that help you regardless of the limits of this organization.