Living Ministries Executive Officers Meeting
Saturday September 19th, 2015
Location: Forest Glen Apartments
1800 Murton Street
Vancouver Washington 98661
Time: 7PM
Attendance: Summer D Clemenson, Executive Director; Karen G Clemenson, President; Jamie Holloway, Secretary
We are taking a break from Living Ministries meetings and duties to recalibrate what we want to do as a ministry. Since a lot of changes happened in 2015, we feel a time of recuperating and healing needs to happen for all of its members. Summer needs a time to sit back and let God lead her to where she needs to go with the ministry. She suggests that we all take some time to pray and ask God what our next step or steps should be. Our next board meeting is January 18, 2016 according to the virtual meeting vote requested by Madam President Karen G Clemenson. We are all in agreement with Summer.
Cans for Toys: Is still gaining popularity. They are receiving positive input from the community. Jacob set a goal and is working towards it for Christmas. Clarence and Angie are getting married in November. Jacob is in football. Pray for Angie and her migraines. Angie wants to start her own daycare… We will keep communication open with them and continue praying for them and keep encouraging them to keep rocking.
Hearts for Homeless: The board has decided to give Lynn Brown from Hearts of Homeless until January 20, 2016 to talk to the board about her plans with Living Ministries and how Living Ministries can help her serve the homeless through Hearts for Homeless. The board has a growing concern about Lynn and her family since we have not heard much from them and our inquiries have been not responded to. We are contemplating letting Hearts for Homeless go as an affiliate ministry, but we want to communicate face to face with Lynn before we make a decision. Our goal is to sit down, let her know we are here, and see what is needed in order to help Lynn with her ministry. We know a lot of turmoil has happened in the last few years and prayer is needed for her and her family. Karen and Summer will be requesting a face to face meeting with Lynn Brown, again.
We have several people who are interested in becoming board members of Living Ministries. Jamie suggested that perhaps we can have a membership drive/welcome party in January so that we can all get to know each other before all the hard work starts. Summer suggested that a virtual meeting be called upon for others to give their input on the possibility for a membership drive party in January to celebrate new members and the old. Summer and Karen will call a virtual meeting in the next couple of weeks, for a party in January for a membership drive and welcoming 2016 at an unbirthday party.
We will not be doing Christmas Joy Telethon in 2015.
Survival Drive: October is the Survival Drive. This is the only event we decided to do for the end of the year. Officially we are collecting socks and money from businesses and inquiries and invites have been made to local businesses. We have a list of survival gear for the non-business community that is needed. We decided that this year Love Overwhelming will be the benefit of the drive. A suggestion to check and see when Portland Gospel Mission Drive is, was made. Jamie will be checking to see when it is and if they would like to help us out. Flyers for the internet will be done next week and collecting will be October 1 through 31.
Summer and Jamie have been working on the bylaws. We want the bylaws to be simple. During our meeting we went over the possible changes.
Update: Karen, Summer, and Jamie have decided that the new bylaws are more simple, communicate better and we think they rock. We voted them in… September 19, 2015…Harley noises from everybody!
Meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM….