At Living Ministries we strive to answer any questions you have. Usually the answers to your needs can be found by looking at our Organizations or Resources page. In some circumstances questions may be more delicate than can be answered on this web site. If you have a question you have not found the answer to on this site please Contact Us so we can start looking for your answer.
Where can I found resources in Counties outside Cowlitz & Wahkiakum Counties?
Clark County | 1200 Franklin St., PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666 | (360) 397-2000
Columbia County | 341 E Main St, Dayton, WA 99328 | (509) 382-4541
Cowlitz County | 207 4th Ave N, Kelso, WA 98626 | (360) 577-3020
King County | 516 3rd Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 | (206) 296-0100
Lewis County | 351 NW North St. Chehalis WA 98532 | (360) 740-1192
Pacific County | 300 Memorial Ave, South Bend, WA 98586 | (360) 875-9334
Pierce County | 930 Tacoma Ave S., Tacoma, WA 98402 | (800) 992-2456
Skamania County | 240 NW Vancouver St. PO Box 790, Stevenson, WA 98648
Thurston County | 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Olympia, WA 98502 | (360) 754-3800
Wahkiakum County | 64 Main St. Cathlamet, WA 98612
How can we find housing for Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs)?
Most resources need to come to the inmate through their counselors or the parolee through their CCO. Learn more about RSO Resources.
Where does the money go that is donated to Living Ministries?
We have very little overhead. At this time we do not have anyone who takes a paycheck. We are run out of our President’s home so we don’t have rent that we have to pay. We meet at The Electric Bean for our monthly meetings (You are welcome to join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm); our committee members have to buy their own coffee. We are very blessed that Exclaim Media, LLC covers all our administrative costs, including web site maintenance & hosting, all graphic design work, any videography we may have in the future, they maintain our Facebook Fan Page and our Email Marketing. So beyond the banner we had printed this summer and any licensing costs, we are free to use all the funds donated to benefit the community.
We try to have a program to benefit another non-profit going most of the time. Any money we have in our accounts may be used for those projects. Please see Our History to learn how we have used our funds in the past.
Please Contact Us with any other questions.