April 10, 2011
Living Ministries
Healing the Disease of Homelessness
To: All Interested Parties
From: Living Ministries Power Group
Date: April 6-10, 2011
Place: Virtual Offices (Facebook Messages)
Attendence: Summer Clemenson, John Coleman, Karen Gidderon, Linda Haarstad, Jeff Hamilton, Sarah Harding, Chuck Hendrickson, Leslee Huhtala, Sonny Huhtala, Erik Maloy, Sarah Maloy, Christine Randall, Jon Randall, Shannon Wallace
New Business: New Mission Statement for Living Ministries
At 8:17 am on April 6, 2011 Summer Clemenson opened the virtual meeting by posting:
I have been considering a complete do over of Living Ministries. The things that Living wants to do are the same plus stand in the gap for people who need that too.
I want to ditch Healing the Disease of Homelessness, however, maybe keeping it and explaining it better, as part of who we are…I may not be explaining this new thought correctly.
I need ideas. The main thing that will never change is the unity that we believe needs to be there to make a real difference.
I am kicking around the marketing phrase: Unifying the Community to Administer Hope
I keep hearing inside myself that it is hopelessness we want to heal more than anything else because Homelessness may just be a symptom.
Please contact me to talk about anything you envision. Right now I don’t have time to take down the art and all the pages, but I do consider most of the slate cleaned as far as our communication to the public.
At 8:21 am on April 6, 2011 Leslee Huhtala posted to the group:
Oo I like it. The key to the mission statement and articles of corporation is to make it broad enough that anything can fit underneath it so you are limitless. Then you can do anything without amending them 😉
At 10:45 am on April 6, 2011 Christine Randall posted to the group:
I really like that phrase. 🙂
At 4:12 pm on April 6, 2011 Sarah Harding posted:
So you are saying:
Unifying (the bringing together of) the community to Administer (give out/dispense) hope
At 4:27 pm on April 6, 2011 Summer Clemenson posted:
Yes Sarah.
At 4:38 pm on April 6, 2011 Sarah Harding posted:
Sounds great; professional yet understandable. Great job!
At 5:48 pm on April 6, 2011 Sonny Huhtala posted:
I love it Summer. I think you hit it right on the mark.
At different times between April 6-10, 2011 Karen Gidderon, Linda Haarstad and Jeff Hamilton gave verbal agreement on the mission statement change to Summer Clemenson.
Summer Clemenson closed meeting.
Next Living Ministries Power Group Meeting: TBA
Respectfully Submitted,
Summer Clemenson