To: All Interested Parties
From: Living Ministries Power Group
Date: August 24, 2011
Place: Virtual Offices (Facebook Messages)
Attendence: Christal Hood, Chuck Davani Hendrickson, Debra Lawson-Bean, Elizabeth Evans, Heidi Jordan, Jai Farris, Jamie Holloway, Jeff Hamilton, Joanne Clemenson, Joanne Ellis, John Coleman, Kalei Colleen LaFave, Karen Gidderon, Leslee Ross Huhtala, Linda Hartman Haarstad, Mary Lynn Nelson , Sarah Lindenthal, Sarah Maloy, Shannon RJ Wallace, Sonny Huhtala, Summer D Clemenson & Tyanne Colvin (Please Contact Us if you would like to be added to this closed group)
New Business: Vote to use $20 of Living Ministries funds to cover booth costs for DAV Chapter 32 to be at Iron Horse Festival in Downtown Kelso, WA.
At 9:24 am on August 24, 2011 Summer Clemenson opened the virtual meeting by posting:
Good morning everyone! I would like to open a virtual committee meeting. I would like to ask for your vote to donate $20 to pay for booth costs so that Disabled American Veterans Chapter 32 can be at the Iron Horse Festival (it is a biker thing). They are hoping to be a part of any festival or event to get information out and sell T-shirts and I was hoping we could help them be there for no more cost to them. What could be better but bikers and vets!? Also if you have any ideas I can pass onto their chairperson for similar events please let me know. (I vote yes)
At 9:49 am on August 24, 2011 Jamie Holloway posted to the group:
I will vote yes on the donation.
At 2:04 pm on August 24, 2011 Linda Haarstad posted to the group:
I vote yes.
At 5:08 pm on August 24, 2011 Summer Clemenson posted to the group:
At 3:07 today, Karen Gidderon voted yes!
With a vote of half of our Committee Members and Jamie Holloway, our president, Summer Clemenson made arrangements for the funds to be given to the proper people.
At 4:53 pm on September 9, 2011 Summer Clemenson posted to the group:
Update: DAV was very happy with us for taking care of the cost. They made some good connections and sold several t-shirts.
Note: This following is from Living Ministries Bylaws:
VI. Voting
- (a) A majority of board members constitutes a quorum. (b) In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.
- Passage of a motion requires a simple majority (ie, one more than half the members present).
At this time for motions to pass the vote virtually we require a majority of Board Members to agree. Current Board Members include: Summer Clemenson, President, Karen Gidderon, Vice President, Elizabeth Evans, Linda Haarstad, Jeff Hamilton.
To become a member you must tell our president of your desire. If the president agrees they will address the nomination during a monthly meeting. A majority vote of present members will allow a new board member to be named.