petlovedrive2014We have come to the end of our 4th Annual Pet LOVE Drive and are happy to be able to say thank you to several people!
This year we would like to thank The Dog Zone and The Pet Works. Both local companies allowed us to place bins that people could donate items in. This year we collected a dog bed and about 20 lbs of dog food that will be given to Help Food Warehouse.
Some of the donations we were able to drop off at Help Food Warehouse. Thank you for helping!

Some of the donations we were able to drop off at Help Food Warehouse. Thank you for helping!

We also had containers for money at The Dog Zone, The Pet Works, Copies Today Speedy Litho, The Electric Bean, Fluff ā€™Nā€™ Puff and The Savvy Dog which brought in a total of $45 that we will be proud to also hand to Help Food Warehouse.

As is our pleasure, we are glad to be a blessing.