For 19 years The Storehouse has been accepting donations of gently used & new clothing & school supplies and making them available to those who need them. They love helping others and are thankful that New Life Fellowship Church has allowed them to move this ministry out of their home and into a building that offers better access to the community for the last 9 years.
They are open from 11 am to 2 pm on Thursday. (In the summer sometimes they take a week off)
Located in the back & upstairs at New Life, they have 1 room for of adult clothing, as well as a room for children & infants clothing, shoes, socks and undergarments that are in good condition. They neatly organized and open to help those who are in need of clothing.
Donations are accepted from 10 am to 2 pm on Thursdays. You may also place donations in the box located in the main foyer on the other side of the coffee shop by the mirror in the hallway during service times on Sunday (10 am & 6:30 pm) and Wednesdays (7 pm).
The Storehouse is most in need of:
- Shorts for all women, girls, teens
- Jeans for everyone
- Tops for both girls, teens
- T-shirts for young men, boys
- Hoodies
- Stylish sweatshirts to wear as coats
- socks
- shoes
- dresses, skirts, leggings
- Anything to help a baby girls/boys clothing
If you have donated in the past The Storehouse would like to thank you. They really appreciate everything you can donate to help those during these times. The Storehouse is hoping that in the future they will have their own building to allow them to serve more people.
The Storehouse
New Life Fellowship Church of God
2441 42nd Ave
Longview, WA
Disclaimer: Living Ministries is not affiliated with this organization. Our goal is help you find the resources you are looking for. Living Ministries does not keep track of the resource levels of the organization listed here. Please be kind to the people that help you regardless of the limits of this organization.